Dragino Leaf Moisture Sensor

Dragino Leaf Moisture Sensor

SKU: A-01-10 Categories: , ,


This sensor is designed to monitor leaf mositure and leaf temperature, and leaf status such as watering, moisturising , dew and frozen. The leaf status is determined through analysis via the IoT platform.

This sensor connects over LoRaWAN and is battery operated.

Connectivity C-01-18 or C-01-19 or C-07-01
Service SER-05-01
Support SupA-05-01
Platform P-05-01 or P-05-02
Measuring Period Every 15 Minutes
Data Upload Interval Minimum of 60 Minutes, but can be customised.
Measurements Leaf Moisture:
• 0 – 100%
Leaf Temperature:
• -50 C – 80 C
Dimensions (L) 57 mm X (W) 35 mm X (H) 15.2 mm
Temperature Range Operating Temperature range:
• -20 C – 55 C
Storage Temperature range:
• -40 C – 85 C
IP Rating IP67
Weight 45g
Connectivity Type LoRaWAN (AU915 or AS923)
Antenna Built in antenna
Transmit Power Max. 20 dBm
Power Options Battery (DC, CR2450 button, 3.0V, 120mA)